Credit Transfer


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G-MEO Chengdu American Center is formed by a consortium of accredited American universities which offer both summer and semester courses from their official catalogs, and which are open to all American and international students, not just Chinese international students returning home. Upon successful completion of the program, one copy of each student's official transcript from Fairleigh Dickinson University or other partner university will be mailed to their home institution or any other required location.

It will be the students' responsibility to communicate with the related office of their home university in order to complete the credit transfer process.

*Please note that different universities have different procedures/steps to be taken in order to complete the credit transfer process after completing courses outside of the university.

*Different universities will have different policies on whether the grades you earn during a summer program will count as letter grades (ex. A, B, C, etc), or if they will count as Pass or Fail courses.

About FDU


Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) is one of New Jersey’s top US-accredited universities and G-MEO’s school of record for the AFS program. Not only is it a top university in its state, but US News 2020 also ranked FDU as one of the best universities in the country, placing at #20 for the nation’s most valuable school and #21 for most creative university. For years, FDU has been one of G-MEO’s reliable principal partners, providing quality support for each cohort, whether it be in-person or online. This Fall 2020, FDU is committed to helping each student achieve ideal success with G-MEO. They are proud to provide excellent courses and professors to facilitate a unique and effective experience. Upon completion of the AFS program, FDU will issue each student an official transcript with 100% credit transferability, keeping all students on track to complete their education. Students can look forward to taking advantage of FDU’s valuable contributions to the AFS program.

FDU School of Record - Commitment Letter

2022 ASP  CommitmentLetter

2021 ASF Commitment Letter

FDU School of Record - A Letter for Students

Student lettter G-MEO fall 2020 enrollment and transcritps (1) (1)

SUMMER Sample Transcript 

Fdu Transcript Sample 1


The program includes one free copy of your official transcript. If you need to request additional copies of your official transcript, please have your Student ID number ready, and visit FDU's website

You are registered as Florham campus students. Please follow the instruction on the website.
You should have your FDU ID when you fill in the FDU course registration form. If you don't know your FDU ID, please contact our New York office by emailing



David Chang

Dr. David C. Chang was named the ninth President of New York Polytechnic University (now known as NYU Tandon School of Engineering) on July 1, 1994, and was appointed Chancellor in July 2005. In addition to being a full professor at his home institution, Dr. Chang also holds honorary professorships at five major universities in China.

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Collaborative Universities

Contact G-MEO

  • NY Office Phone: +1 929-238-2840
  • Email:
  • Address: 5 West 37th Street, Suite 210 New York, NY 10018
  • Chengdu American Center Phone+86 185 8392 2212
  • WeChat: g-meochina